Fasting is one of Natures greatest healing agents, often restoring health when all else has failed. It lets our entire bodily system rest and cleanse, whilst repairing itself. This will eliminate impurities accumulated in our bodies over the years. An over worked mind and body that does not get proper rest puts pressure on our systems that will eventually break them down!
Our digestive systems need a rest, a chance to clear out the bad microbiome and allow the probiotic bacteria to clean up and proliferate. Thus enhancing your health and immune status. Cleansing your body will re-energise it. Even a one day cleanse gives it some respite! You will feel faster and lighter. During fasting the body redirects energy used for digestion to repairing and healing.
Please, never confuse fasting with starvation. Fasting is done voluntary for the specific purpose of bodily rejuvenation and repair. It will also strengthen your mind and will power.
Time and energy other wise used in food preparation and consumption will be available for other pursuits. Most religions regularly fast.
Caution: Fasting is a fantastic healing remedy, it should not be expected to do the impossible! It will not cure deficiency disease that result from malnourishment or congenital defects. Do not attempt whilst pregnant or anaemic or diabetic or if you have any eating disorders. If in doubt research more and consult your Doctor.
Copyright Beingwell. (Scotland).2022. All rights reserved.